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Tag: Future Advertising

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Mobile Advertising Trends 2021

Wer sich immer noch fragt, was Mobile First bedeutet, sollte schleunigst von seinem Baum kommen, denn im Jahr 2021 wird Mobile Advertising zur unausweichlichen Säule im Marketing Mix. Welche Trends dabei besonders ins Auge gefasst werden sollen, haben wir für Euch in diesem Artikel zusammengefasst. Der mobile Medienkonsum steigt Aktuelle

Smart Business

Observing the package deliverer from your office chair while he delivers your Amazon parcel, preheating your flat while you’re on your way home, opening your homes door automatically with an app – the digital network has already reached our homes. Smart Home means connected devices, which control and regulate various

Mobile Advertising Trends

The relevance of Mobile Advertising is rising. In recent years the market has become a billion-dollar business. The reason is obvious: Mobile Advertising allows companies to adress their (potential) customers as personally and directly as no other device. We checked four current trends in Mobile Advertising for you: Apple Search